Flower Pot Lamps

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Flower Pot Lamp Instructions

Contributed by Pam Stryker

Flower Pot Lamps are thought to have been created by campers who wanted to light the awnings of their campers with festive and unique lighting. Today flower pot lamps are a popular craft project for many uses. Flower pot lamps can be made with many combinations of beads or bead pegs. To make your own flower pot lamp, you will need a pot (such as a Lawnware pot, or a suitable substitute), beads or bead pegs, and a light kit with a cord and bulb. Once you have gathered your materials, start by drilling holes into the pot in a pattern of your choice. You can use a pencil to mark where you want the holes, or simply drill them randomly for a more organic look. Don't let your imagination be limited only to this set of flower pot lamp instructions. These pots can be strung together for patios and outdoor gathering places.

The "standard" pot to make these lamps with was one made by Lawnware, made of a plastic or polymer type material, with designs, lines and flowers on the outside of the pot, and were easy to drill holes into. They were great looking for use as flower pots as well as these great lamps. Sadly, the Lawnware Company went out of business in 2006, making these pots nearly impossible to find.

We recently discovered a company who has begun making 5" pots that are wonderfully similar to the original Lawnware pots. They even offer their pots in great, festive colors.

However if you want a larger pot you will need to think a little more creatively about a suitable substitute lamp pot.
Lamp Pot IdeaPerhaps a commercial size vegetable tin can or a piece of PVC pipe. The ridges on the tin can could aid with your design and the lack of any markings on the outside of a piece of PVC pipe provides you with an open ended canvas for creating your own design. Don't forget to look for end caps for your pvc pipe pieces. Small plastic or metal trash cans at any dollar store might work, provided that they are somewhat thick bodied. Lamp Pot Idea Lamp Pot Idea Lamp Pot Idea
Lamp Pot Idea Lamp Pot Idea2, 3 or even 5-gallon plastic buckets, cut to the height you want your lamp would work well. They usually have side walls thick enough to accommodate drilling holes into for your design.

When looking for something to use as a substitute for the flower pots don't forget to look in the flower pot isle of your favorite store for potential replacements, and if that doesn't work consider looking in your local hardware store for ideas.

Remember, the beauty of flower pot lamps is that there are no hard and fast rules. Experiment with different bead patterns, pot sizes and shapes, and bulb types to create a truly unique and personalized lamp. Happy crafting!

Materials Needed:
  • 6mm Beads (or your size choice, the amount needed determined by amount of holes drilled)
  • 8mm Beads (or your size choice, the amount needed determined by amount of holes drilled)
  • 10mm Beads (or your size choice, the amount needed determined by amount of holes drilled)
  • 12mm Beads (or your size choice, the amount needed determined by amount of holes drilled)
  • Tri Beads (or your bead choice, the amount needed determined by amount of holes drilled)
  • Beads or Bead Pegs of your choice (amount needed determined by amount of holes drilled)
  • 1 - Plastic Planter or a length of plastic PVC pipe, approx 3" to 12" wide, length of your choice
  • 1 - All Purpose cement glue (like 527)
  • Lamp kit of your choice
  • OR
  • 1 each of the following:
    Line Switch, 1" x 1/8" Tap Threaded Rod, power cord, female loop, check ring, black rubber washer
  • AND
  • 2 each of the following:
  • brass pressure washer


Here are a few lamp pots made by others.

Lamp Pot Idea Lamp Pot Idea Lamp Pot Idea Lamp Pot Idea Lamp Pot Idea Lamp Pot Idea Lamp Pot Idea

1) First develop a pattern or plan, or if you already have your pot you can use the pot pattern to help you decide how you want your lamp to look.

2) Mark your pot, then drill small holes in each place you will be putting a bead or bead peg. Also drill a 3/8" hole in the center top of the planter.

3) Using the all purpose cement glue, glue beads into all holes. Let dry.

4) Working from the inside of the planter, place the one brass washer and the base of the socket on the inside of the planter and inserting the 1" threaded rod into the hole in the center top of the planter, screw together. Now working on the top of the planter next place one brass washer, one rubber washer, a check ring, then the female loop, screw together firmly.

5) Run the wire through from the outside to the inside of the lamp pot. Wire the socket and assemble the socket by splitting the wire. Remove 1/2" of insulation from the ends of electrical wire. Fasten one side to each screw and tighten. Slip the sleeve into place over this and clip into the base and press together firmly. The sleeve should click into place.

These instructions are provided as a courtesy to our customers and are to be used only as a general guideline. We are not responsible for any accidents or errors which may result in loss. No warranty or guarantee is written or implied.

Note: Lawnware has informed us that they have discontinued making the flower pot commonly used for this project.

Copyright® 2004, Craft Supply Depot (formerly BJ's Craft Supplies), (361) 645-3325 or visit our web site at: www.craftsupplydepot.com
Links to supplies: Bead Pegs   Faceted Beads   Lamp Parts

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