Free Bracelet Pattern - Free Jewelry Pattern Using Snap Swivels

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Pattern for Bracelet with E-Beads and Snap Swivels from BJ's Craft Supplies - Easy Bracelet Jewelry - Free Pattern for Jewelry

Contributed by Pam Stryker

Create a unique and beautiful bracelet with snap swivels (fishing tackle), e-beads, head pins, and a toggle clasp connector. Light and delicate looking, easy to make, lovely to wear. No one will believe how easy it is to make.

Materials Needed:


Note: It may take a little practice to learn how to close the snap swivels after threading the beads.

Open a snap swivel and thread enough e-beads onto the hook to fill one side. You may need to straighten the wire slightly to allow the beads to go onto the wire.

Thread the loop end of the next snap swivel onto the open wire of the first swivel. Continue to add e-beads to almost fill the wire.

Using small needle nosed pliers carefully rebend anything that you straightened and close the wire.

Repeat on 4 snap swivels. On the 5th snap swivel thread one end of the toggle clasp in between the e-beads. Close wire.

Attach other side of toggle clasp to the other end of the snap swivel chain you just created using the small jump ring.

Next thread one e-bead onto a head pin, followed by one antique silver metal bead, followed by 3 more e-beads.

Thread head pin through top loop of the swivel and bend over. Twist at top of bead stack to secure.

Repeat adding beaded head pins to all 5 snap swivels.


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